Rave Reviews
What the kids say…
“I did the Sound of Music camp—I loved it. It was SO fun!”
“It’s really like Broadway because of the dancing. I like it because we go from absolutely nothing to something really great in a really short time.”
“Everybody gets a chance to shine, and they treat you like a real actor.”
“No one gets left out. You really get something out of it, because they make you work for it.”
“I was in the Summer Workshop for four years. After that I started doing shows in middle school and high school, and now I am a theater major at Northwestern University! I owe a lot to this program for giving me confidence to be onstage and to be bold. You have truly changed my life.”
What the parents say…
“I will always be grateful to you and your co-directors for the incredibly nurturing performance environment you create, which enabled Sydney to explore that part of herself, take some risks, and push beyond her comfort zone. The final performances were always wonderful, yet what she gained from involvement in the process was truly priceless.”
“Once again, Sage is having a blast with you all every day! Thanks for running such a great camp!”
“Billy and Eddie have been practicing their songs again all morning with their scripts—it’s so fun to watch them!”
“I want to thank you for the amazing experience Maxine had in Annie last week. In her words, “it was the most professional feeling theater camp she’s ever done.” As a parent, it was A+ top-notch. Your communications were detailed and excellent. Your organization was fantastic. And what you accomplished in one week—mind blowing! We are happy to have found such a theater camp treasure”
“Sean had a great time once again at the Workshop this summer. He just wishes he could have done more than one week!”
“The Workshop has been a highlight of Elizabeth’s summer the last two years, and she always returns from the experience bubbling with confidence and full of fond memories.”
—Larry and Karin
“My daughter is LOVING the camp! She has gone from being too nervous to try out for speech competition in her class to looking forward to her singing ‘solo.’ It a huge leap for her. It can be attributed to the kind and supportive way you have run this camp. She described the singing competition with everyone singing at once and the judge going around and standing in front of the participants to listen to their individual voices. This is the only type of singing tryout that she would have been confident to have competed in for any show. It has been a wonderful week of learning and making new friends, and it is only Wednesday morning. Congratulations to the Center and the director and counselors. What a wonderful experience. We’ll be doing this again with you.”
“My daughter participated in the week-long workshop and we were both thrilled with the program. Maddie is a child who does not like to be away from home, and I was concerned with sending her to an all day camp during the summer. To my delight, she jumped out of bed every morning excited about her day at theater camp.”
“My son loved his experience. He got a chance to play a significant role and learn to sing, dance, and act. What is different about your program is how each of the children gets to learn at their own level. My son, who never danced before and was not interested in dancing, came home and taught us and friends an entire dance. The experience lit him up. This is a unique program, challenging and nurturing.”
“Thank you for your hard work. David, my 13-year-old son, has attended several workshops for the last three summers. Other programs in the area require auditions—only the talented kids are picked for coveted roles and others perform in the chorus. At your program, however, if a child wants a chance to perform a lead role, talent is not how they are chosen.
“The staff does a tremendous job of balancing those with talent and those with a love and desire to perform. The choreographer is sensitive to all the kids’ abilities, and works to make all of them great dancers.
“Thank you for allowing the kids to sing softly, off-key, stumble around a bit, and perform the musical productions with enthusiasm and joy. They were truly ‘stars’ of this production.”
—Mary Beth
“This experience for our son Jarod has been one of incredible growth—mainly because he has suffered his entire life with social anxiety. He works harder than you could imagine coping with his suffocating illness.
“The very fact that he walked through the theater doors on Monday morning is a goal I didn’t know if he’d ever achieve. I do know he is an inherently dramatic kid, and my wish for him has always been to simply ‘be’ who he is naturally outside his home. I think he is doing that with you.
“We have introduced Jarod to many different sports and activities—and usually hear ‘Why do I have to go?’ For the first time yesterday, I heard him say, ‘I love Annie Camp.’ For Jarod, you have made a difference that will profoundly affect him the rest of his life.”